Applies to Models: Wisenet Wave
Launching the Desktop client with the CLI gives you a lot of flexibility. The CLI allows you to launch the Desktop client normally without any changes but you can also change its behavior by utilizing specific parameters. It can facilitate and automate many tasks such as server auto-login, disabling auto-updates, creating multiple instances of the client, restricting options, and more.
Step By Step Guide:
1. Open Command Prompt
2. Enter: "C:\Program Files\Hanwha\Wisenet WAVE\MediaServer\build_info.txt"
3. Take note of the version number which appears on the first line (e.g.,
4. In Command Prompt enter (replacing the version number below with the version from the build_info.txt):
dir C:\* /S /B | findstr "\\$ (file://" | clip
5. The resulting directory has been automatically copied to your clipboard. Navigate to it by entering:
cd (Replace this text with what is now in your clipboard. Remove the parentheses.)
NOTE: Parameters are optional, delete it or replace the example with one from the chart below
6. To launch the client enter: " Wisenet WAVE.exe " --parameter
Parameter |
Description |
Default implied value |
Examples |
--no-single-application |
Allows having more than one instance of the client application running. (Also disables 'Beta version' warning message.) |
true |
--no-single-application |
--auth |
Auto-login to the target server |
- |
--auth=http://admin:1234@ |
--screen |
Open client on the target screen |
- |
--screen=1 |
--window-geometry |
Place the client window to the target coordinates and resize it |
- |
--window-geometry=100,100,1024x768 |
--soft-yuv |
Enables video shader software emulation mode. May cause glitches. |
true |
--soft-yuv |
--local-settings |
Changes settings source from registry to file system (Windows only) |
true |
--local-settings |
--no-fullscreen |
Open client in the windowed mode. May cause glitches. |
true |
--no-fullscreen |
--skip-media-folder-scan |
Do not scan media folders. Local resources will not be displayed. |
true |
--skip-media-folder-scan |
--log-level |
Minimal level of the log messages that should be recorded to log-file. Allowed values:
- |
--log-level=always |
--no-client-update |
Disable client auto-update and update notifications. |
true |
--no-client-update |
--acs |
ACS mode (for Paxton integrations and similar scenarios) |
true |
--acs |
--videowall |
Start client in the master videowall mode. Must contain GUID of the existing Video Wall to work properly. Requires valid --auth key without specified credentials. |
- |
--videowall={72934575-ceb7-54bb-23a0-84b81cf1d3f1} |
Start client in the slave videowall mode. Must contain the GUID of the existing Video Wall Item to work properly. Requires valid--videowall key. Requires valid --auth key without specified credentials. |
- |
--videowall-instance={8692e6e8-ceb7-54bb-23a0-84b81cf1d3f0} |
--layout-name |
Name of layout which will be opened after connection to server. |
- |
--layout-name="Some layout name" |
--show-full-info |
Display full info on cameras instead of the minimal. |
true |
--show-full-info |
--no-hidpi |
Disable hidpi support |
true |
--no-hidpi |