Applies to Models: Dell built Wave Server with LifeCycle Controller cards installed.
Hanwha Wave servers that are being built with Dell iDRAC LifeCycle controller cards. Have the ability to output reports. Our support group needs these reports to process their internal support tickets. These instructions are for servers that can successfully log into the Windows environment.
NOTE: Not all Wave servers have this card installed. Please refer to the spec sheet of your
particular server for this information.
Step By Step Guide:
1. Enter the iDRAC Controller's IP Address into a browser.
Note: The iDRAC controller ships with a default IP of
If none of the NICs on the server are in this range. Please add an IP
in this range. Then open Chrome and enter
2. You will need to log into the controller.
Note: The default user is "root" and the password is "calvin".
3. Go to Maintenance>Support Assist. See Figure 1.
Figure 1.
4. Click Start a Collection.
5. Select the data sets to include in the collection. Check all of the boxes. See Figure2.
Figure 2.
6. Select the destination where the log collection will be saved.
7. By selecting the save locally option saves the generated collection on the local system.
8. Transfer these files to your PC. And attach them to your Ticket.
NOTE: To see the original Dell article Click >Here<.