Camera Models: XNO-6120R/LPR & XNV-6120R/LPR
How to receive bookmark events in the Wisenet WAVE VMS when the HTTPS/SSL Encryption is enabled/required.
The Wisent WAVE VMS 4.0 and later supports standard connections through HTTP as well as secure connections via HTTPS. This ensures that all communications between the client (WAVE Client, web or mobile) and server are encrypted.
By default, Wisenet WAVE encryption is enabled for traffic management. Enabling encryption forces all servers in the System to only accept secure HTTPS connections prevents to API requests, clients, server Web Admin interface, and other data (users accounts, device access credentials, etc.) from being intercepted and analyzed.
In order for the Wisenet LPR Open Platform application to communicate with a WAVE system in HTTPS mode, the application must be upgraded to version 3.20.25, as well as configuring the event action setup to send events in HTTPS format. This document provides step by step instructions to configure both the Open Platform application settings in the camera, as well as in the WAVE administration settings.
System Administration settings in the WAVE Client:
- From the main menu of the WAVE client, select System Administration > General tab.
- Under the Security section, enable the option “Allow only secure connections”.
Wisenet LPR Application settings to send encrypted events to WAVE:
This section will show you how to setup the Wisenet Open platform application to send LPR bookmark events to the WAVE server in HTTPS mode.
- Connect to your camera web interface using the designated IP. (Example: From the Chrome Browser You can use the Wisenet Device Manager or in the WAVE client, you can right click a camera > camera settings > Web page.
- When prompted, enter the camera’s admin username and password.
- Select the Setup menu (gear icon), and navigate to the Open Platform menu.
- Click the Go App button for the previous version of the app, and make a note of all configuration settings, as well as the License key.
- Click the … icon and browse to the file ARTECO_LPR_3_20_25.cap. Make sure the file has been extracted from the downloaded ZIP file. Then click the Install button.
- Confirm any prompts.
- Once the application has been installed, click the Start button, and enable Auto Start.
- Click the Go App button for the new version of the app and enter your license and configuration settings.
- Select Setup > Event Action setup.
- In the TCP section, for the TCP Protocol option select “WAVE HTTPS”.
- Enter the WAVE Server IP address, Port, and credentials are entered as per your system setup. Note that the default WAVE Server port is 7001.
- Click the apply button to save your settings.
- Check for LPR bookmarks and search for License Plate data in the WAVE client.
- Once the new application is functioning properly, remove the old version of the application from the camera by clicking the Uninstall button and following the prompts.
To learn more about the configuration of the LPR solution, please check out this article:
To learn more about the LPR solution and camera configuration, please check out this article:
If you need to retrieve your license key from a working camera, please check out this article: