Applies to Models: All WRN Models
Sometimes WAVE will not display a hard drive as available for storage. The steps below can help you properly mount the drive, create a partition, and change the mount path.
Note: These steps can also be used for installing a new hard drive.
Step By Step Guide - Mounting a Drive:
1. Launch the disks application by clicking on the Linux Start Button (Figure 1)
Note: This button is represented by nine dots arranged in a box formation in the lower left of
the default desktop (Figure 1)
Figure 1
2. Type the word disks in the Search Bar and select the disks icon (Figure 2)
Figure 2
3. Select the storage disk volume you wish to configure (Figure 3)
OS DISK. The OS disk is generally 30gb or smaller.
4. Create the partition with the "+" button (Figure 3)
Figure 3
5. Define the partition size (Figure 4)
Figure 4
6. Create a volume name (Figure 5)
7. Select the type Internal disk for use with Linux systems only (Ext4) (Figure 5)
8. Click Create in the upper right (Figure 5)
Figure 5
9. Reboot the WAVE Server
10. Open WAVE, navigate to Server Settings > Storage Management
11. Enable each drive you require Wave to begin recording on (Figure 6)
Figure 6
Note: Repeat steps 1-10 for each storage drive
Note: If you are still not seeing your drive, you may need to change the mount path.
See the steps below to proceed.
Step By Step Guide - Changing the Mount Path:
1. Launch the Disks application by clicking on the Linux Start Button (Figure 1)
Note: This button is represented by nine dots arranged in a box formation in the lower left of
the default desktop.
2. Click on the gears icon (Figure 5)
3. Select Edit Mount Options (Figure 7)
Figure 7
4. Turn off User Session Defaults (Figure 8)
5. Uncheck Show in user interface (Figure 8)
6. Click the Identify As Menu (Figure 8)
7. Select /dev/sda as the mount path (Figure 8)
Note: sd is a prefix and will proceed as sda, sdb, sdc, ETC
Figure 8
8. Reboot the WAVE Server