Applies to: WAVE
If issues go beyond a Hanwha Technical Support agent's ability to resolve them in the WAVE software, logs from the affected system must be collected. Verbose logging records a full track of everything the application does. This article provides instructions for enabling Verbose logging and viewing the logs.
Step By Step:
Enabling Verbose Logging
To enable Verbose logging:
- Log in to the WAVE Client.
- Press CTRL+ALT+A on your keyboard.
- Click the Advanced tab, then select Logs Management and check the box next to the Server in question.
- Click Settings.
- Change the Logging Level to Verbose.
Configure the following, if needed:
- Limit Max Volume – the maximum total size of the log files. Once the size hits the limit, the oldest records will be erased.
- Split File by Size – the size of a single log file. Once the size hits the limit, the new file will be created until the maximum volume limit is reached by all log files.
- Split File by Time – if enabled, the new file will be created once in a specified period (12 hours in the example above) until all log files reach the maximum volume limit.
- Reset to Defaults – reverts settings to the original ones.
- Limit Max Volume – the maximum total size of the log files. Once the size hits the limit, the oldest records will be erased.
- Click OK.
You may be able to give the password to the admin account. - Click OK at the bottom of the screen.
Viewing Verbose Log Files
To view Server Logs in a Web browser:
- Log in to the WAVE Client.
- Right-click the server in the resource tree.
- Select Server Logs.
The log will open in a Web browser.