Applies to Models: XRN, NVR, PNM Cameras
When adding multi-sensor cameras to the NVR, follow the steps illustrated below.
To maintain standards, Hanwha Vision uses the web UI for all knowledge base articles about product configuration. Open Chrome, enter the IP Address of your device into the URL bar, and press enter. If you are not using the web UI to configure your device, please refer to the user manual for your product.
Step By Step Guide:
Login to NVR and navigate to DEVICE > Camera > Camera Registration, select Auto for camera discovery. (Figure 1)
Figure 1
Once the camera is discovered, select the camera channel.
Enter the camera credentials and select Connection Test. (Figure 2)
Figure 2
The Connection Test is required for the NVR to discover all the camera channels as seen below: (Figure 3)
Figure 3
A successful Connection Test will discover all the camera channels and each one should show Connected Successfully. Select OK to continue. (Figure 4)
Figure 4
Verify that each camera channel is correct then select OK. In this instance, the CH number is the corresponding channel on the recorder and the Model column is the channel for the camera lens as highlighted below. (Figure 5)
Figure 5
All 5 camera channels should now come up on the Camera Registration page and will show connected.
Note: the Recorder channel is what you chose in the previous step. (Figure 6)
Figure 6
Click OK before closing the camera registration page to save the new settings and configuration.