Explosion proof housing: Purpose, common applications & standards
The need of explosion proof housing arises when working in extreme environments that might present an atmosphere that contains flammable or explosive gases or particles, such as petrol refineries or gas pipelines.
The purpose of the explosion proof housing is to avoid a scenario in where the device contained inside the housing is capable to generate enough heat to ignite the flammable particles present in the camera environment.
Hanwha models
Certification & Standards supported by Hanwha cameras
- Keep in mind that certification are region based, in this document we will only refer to US / Canada Certifications (INMETRO certification is applicable to the Brazilian market)
LCus: Devices have been evaluated and certified for the US market (C1/Z1).
C1 (Class 1): Suitable for an environment where flammable gasses or vapors may be present.
Z1 (Zone 1): Suitable for an environment where ignitable substance is present or expected to be present for long periods of time (Constantly or intermittently) under normal operation.
cLC CSA: Devices have been evaluated and certified for the Canadian market (C1/D1)
C1 (Class 1): Suitable for an environment where flammable gasses or ignitable substance may be present
D1 (Division 1): Suitable for an environment in where flammable gasses or ignitable substances may present for long periods of time under normal operation, unlike division 2 which is applicable for environments where the flammable material will appear under abnormal conditions (For example in an oil pipe leak)
cLCus: Devices have been evaluated for Canadian & US markets (CSA & USA applicable standards)