Version 1.5.3
RELEASE DATE: 12-16-2024
Bug-fix release.
- When exporting a CSV file from the license widget, the License Start Date field sometimes contained "Invalid Date".
Version 1.5.2
RELEASE DATE: 12-05-2024
Bug-fix release.
- Supermanagers were not receiving DMPro email notifications
- Batch DMPro licensing was not functioning, even though individual cameras could still be licensed
Version 1.5.1
RELEASE DATE: 11-29-2024
This version focuses on scalability for customers with large systems, many locations, and potentially many users. It also leverages the ability of DMPro to consolidate information from across the entire system, to export files to drive subsequent analysis and to feed asset management systems.
- Searching, sorting, and organizing large numbers of locations
- On the main DMPro dashboard, the list of locations is presented in a compact list that is easily filterable and sorted alphabetically.
- Locations can be organized by grouping into folders up to 3 levels deep.
- Locations can be bookmarked as Favorites, for quick and convenient access.
- Exporting dashboard tables as CSV files
- Exporting can be valuable for feeding asset management systems, or for subsequent analysis including prioritizing which devices to firmware update, locations to refresh, or devices to repair.
- The information includes specific data that varies by widget, but typically includes the device’s Name, Model, Location, Server, IP Address, Serial Number and MAC Address.
- Warranty information
- When the STEP Partner ID is known and associated with the organization (either by the partner creating the org or by the customer inviting the STEP Partner), the remaining warranty will be presented. Until then, devices will appear as having Unknown Warranty.
- Role-based access control for DMPro users
- A user must be explicitly given permission to access DMPro. The role can be Super Manager (there can be only one), Manager (who can add other managers or engineers), or Engineer who can be assigned tasks.
- License Widget content
- The License Widget breaks out Expired, Expiring Soon, +30 Days valid licenses, Unlicensed devices
- Location-specific dashboards
- When a specific location is selected, the Firmware, License, and Warranty widgets reflect only the devices assigned to that location
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Version 1.5.0
RELEASE DATE: 10-15-2024
This is the initial launch version of DMPro.
For support on using this solution please visit
This is the launch version of DMPro, part of Hanwha Vision Cloud.
DMPro tracks the health of key components in your Hanwha Vision video systems across many locations securely via the cloud. It also enables you to track the imminent expiration of software licenses, and update camera firmware.
- Health monitoring: Monitor the health of Hanwha Vision cameras, WAVE servers, and storage.
- Firmware management: Identify devices that need firmware updates, incorporating new features, bug fixes, performance improvements, and cybersecurity enhancements. Schedule updates to maximize uptime and minimize disruption.
- License management: Track software licenses assigned to specific cameras, and proactively renew them to maximize uptime.
- High accessibility: DMPro uses the secure cloud for high availability and remote access from anywhere.
- Navigating locations along with summary information per location
- Server status information for WAVE servers and DM Bridge servers
- Storage status information for WAVE servers
- Camera status information
- Firmware management, including
- Series or in parallel
- Either updating from the Hanwha Vision repository or from the user’s local machine
- Updating immediately or at some scheduled time
- Completely automated updates
- License management
- Notification center
- New notifications / tasks
- Assigning, accepting, and resolving tasks
- E-map for a map-based view of device health across locations
- Devices
- Cloud portal devices, including Direct-to-Cloud and DM Bridge cameras
- WAVE Sync accounts, including the ability to define the WAVE server’s geographic location
- Logs including
- User – for tracking user activities such as who initiated firmware updates
- Device – for tracking device-level activity such as firmware updates, claiming and licensing devices
- Task - for tracking the events that appear in the Notification Center
- User management
- Adding and removing users and their associated role within DMPro
- Notification settings, to opt in for email or web push notifications as a user preference
- Dashboard configuration – to include or exclude various DMPro dashboard widgets including
- Servers
- Storage
- Cameras
- Firmware
- Licenses
- Not applicable
- DMPro health monitors:
- DM Bridge servers and DM Bridge cameras
- Direct-to-Cloud cameras
- WAVE servers, WAVE storage, and WAVE cameras via WAVE Sync
- DMPro can update:
- DM Bridge software
- DM Bridge camera firmware