This article provides an overview of the DMPro workflow.
Workflow Overview
The overall DMPro workflow is as follows: Occurred > Pending > Assigned > Resolved.
- When an event happens, such as a camera going offline, a notification appears stating that an event has occurred. This event is in the Occurred state and is not yet a task.
- When a manager selects the event and assigns it as a task to an engineer, the task enters the Pending state.
- When the engineer accepts the task, the task enters the Assigned state.
- When the technician resolves the task, the task enters the Resolved state.
In the DMPro Notification Center example below, a PND-A9081RV camera called ZNKC6V4T700134A located at Nebula - Main became disconnected at 11:09 AM on January 6th. It was assigned to Natasha, who has not yet accepted it, so it remains Pending. When she accepts it, the task moves to Assigned.