Applies to: OnCloud
Use this page if you're setting up OnCloud for the first time. To start, you create an organization. When you do this, you also create an adminstrator account.
Below is a short video explaining how to add you organization.
Step by Step Guide:
Add your organization
- Go to OnCloud.
- At the bottom, click Create an organization now:
- Fill out each field and click the two checkboxes to agree to the terms.
- Click Submit. If the form is filled out correctly, you see this message:
Your organization and administrator accounts have been created.
- Click Back To Home.
Next, you can activate your administrator account.
Activate your account
- Check your email inbox for a message from OnCloud.
- Copy the activation code in the email, then click Activate Account.
- Paste the activation code into the window that opens.
- Choose a password, then type it in twice to confirm.
- Click Complete Account Activation.
You can now log in.
Log in
- In OnCloud, click Login.
- Type your email address and password.
- Click Login.
Next Steps:
You can continue by adding more accounts or by setting up locations for your cameras: