Applies to: SightMind
This article outlines how to generate a report using the data obtained from SightMind widgets. You can calculate sums or averages from two or three widgets and visualize the results using various chart styles. Additionally, the report can be shared via email or exported as a PDF file.
Step By Step Guide:
Accessing the Reports page
To open the Reports page:
Log in to SightMind.
Hover your mouse pointer over the left side of the browser.
- When the menu panel appears, click Reports.
On the Reports page, you can:
View Reports
On the left is a list of generated reports with the most recently created report at the top. On the right is all the details of the selected report.
Create a Report
To create a report with data from widgets in the form of charts (up to a maximum of 10):
Click Add to open a new report template.
Click the pencil (
) icon to edit the name of the report.
Click Edit to edit the template.
Click the title or subtitle to update the text.
Click the plus (
) icon to add a text or chart block.
NOTE: You can add up to 5 additional blocks, regardless of whether they are
text boxes or charts.
Add text box – Inserts a text block where you can enter text for the report (ex: report title, reporter name, report date, and description)
Add chart – Inserts a chart
- a. Click the pencil (
) icon to edit the chart name.
- b. In the Widget section, click the Select button to view a list of dashboards you have created and widgets for each dashboard.
- c. Select the widget containing the data you want to create a report on.
Note: You can select up to 3 widgets, either of the same or different
types, for the report. If the second widget is of the same type as the
first, you have the option to add a third widget of the same type.
However, if the second widget differs from the first, you will not be
able to add any more widgets. - d. Select the calculation method (Each, Sum, Average) if multiple widgets are selected.
- e. In the Period section, set the date for the data to be included in the report.
- f. Select a style. (Chart style options vary depending on the data type of the selected widget.)
- g. Click Preview to view the report.
- h. Click OK to insert the edited chart in the report.
- a. Click the pencil (
Add text box – Inserts a text block where you can enter text for the report (ex: report title, reporter name, report date, and description)
- Click Apply when done editing the report file.
Delete a Report
To delete a report:
Select a report to delete.
- Click Delete.
Send a Report
To send a report via email:
Select a report to send.
Click Send email.
An email form with the report file attached as a PDF will open.
Complete the email content.
- Click Send.
Export a Report
To export a report as PDF:
Select a report to export.
- Click Export.