Applies to: SSM 2.10
This product is not available nor supported in the US or Canadian Markets.
You may see errors in SSM 2.10 containing an Error Code. This article provides details of the error seen in the displayed error. For example, the Error Code 1091 means IDS_ERR_1091: No response from the server.
Explanation of Behavior:
Refer to the following table or the attached Excel file to check what the Error Code means.
Code | Meaning |
IDS_ERR_200 | OK |
IDS_ERR_600 | Cannot create session |
IDS_ERR_601 | Checking session is failed |
IDS_ERR_602 | Cannot select Database |
IDS_ERR_603 | Cannot insert Database |
IDS_ERR_604 | Cannot update Database |
IDS_ERR_605 | Cannot delete Database |
IDS_ERR_606 | Cannot import Database |
IDS_ERR_607 | Cannot initialize Database |
IDS_ERR_610 | Cannot connect to Database |
IDS_ERR_700 | Login ID is not found |
IDS_ERR_701 | Login Password Mismatches |
IDS_ERR_702 | Double Login |
IDS_ERR_703 | UID Information Is not Found |
IDS_ERR_704 | User is Locked |
IDS_ERR_705 | User is already locked |
IDS_ERR_706 | Update User Password |
IDS_ERR_707 | Login Parameter is different |
IDS_ERR_901 | Mobile WEB: Max connection |
IDS_ERR_1102 | Out of memory |
IDS_ERR_1103 | File output error |
IDS_ERR_1104 | Not found |
IDS_ERR_1105 | Bad vector index |
IDS_ERR_1106 | Vector too big |
IDS_ERR_1107 | Unexpected null |
IDS_ERR_1108 | Invalid iterator |
IDS_ERR_1109 | String not a number |
IDS_ERR_1110 | Number not a UINT16 |
IDS_ERR_1112 | The object cannot be cloned |
IDS_ERR_1113 | The hash value already exists in the hash table. |
IDS_ERR_1114 | The hash table could not be allocated |
IDS_ERR_1115 | The library is incompatible |
IDS_ERR_1116 | Concurrent access |
IDS_ERR_1117 | Operation may cause |
IDS_ERR_1118 | Concurrent access not owner |
IDS_ERR_1200 | Not an IPv4 Address |
IDS_ERR_1300 | Uninitialized stream |
IDS_ERR_1301 | End of stream |
IDS_ERR_1302 | Input stream error |
IDS_ERR_1400 | Serialize not class definition |
IDS_ERR_1401 | Serialize bad class UID |
IDS_ERR_1402 | Serialize bad magic number |
IDS_ERR_1403 | Serialize bad version |
IDS_ERR_1404 | Serialize not a hash table |
IDS_ERR_1405 | Serialize unexpected bytes |
IDS_ERR_1406 | Serialize unrecognized class |
IDS_ERR_1407 | Serialize bad super class |
IDS_ERR_1408 | Serialize bad handle |
IDS_ERR_1409 | Serialize not a class object |
IDS_ERR_1410 | Serialize not a handle object |
IDS_ERR_1411 | Serialize string too big |
IDS_ERR_1413 | Serialize cannot clone |
IDS_ERR_1414 | Serialize no class description |
IDS_ERR_1415 | Serialize corrupted hash table |
IDS_ERR_1416 | Serialize testing error |
IDS_ERR_1417 | Serialize string contains NULL |
IDS_ERR_1500 | Property is NULL |
IDS_ERR_1501 | Property has the wrong value type |
IDS_ERR_1502 | The object could not be converted invalid input |
IDS_ERR_1503 | The string is NULL |
IDS_ERR_1504 | The object conversion failed because the value is out of bounds |
IDS_ERR_1505 | There was an error reading from the property file |
IDS_ERR_1506 | The property file could not be found |
IDS_ERR_1507 | Message Queue basic type size mismatch |
IDS_ERR_1600 | Invalid TCP port |
IDS_ERR_1601 | TCP connection is closed |
IDS_ERR_1602 | TCP already connected |
IDS_ERR_1700 | Portmapper returned invalid |
IDS_ERR_1701 | Portmapper is the wrong version |
IDS_ERR_1702 | Portmapper error |
IDS_ERR_1800 | Invalid packet |
IDS_ERR_1801 | Invalid packet field |
IDS_ERR_1802 | Packet output error |
IDS_ERR_1803 | The packet type was unrecognized |
IDS_ERR_1804 | The JMS message type is not supported |
IDS_ERR_1805 | bad packet magic number |
IDS_ERR_1806 | unsupported packet version |
IDS_ERR_1900 | Could not connect to Broker |
IDS_ERR_1901 | Broker connection is closed. |
IDS_ERR_1902 | Received an unexpected acknowledgement |
IDS_ERR_1903 | Acknowledgement status is not OK |
IDS_ERR_1904 | Could not create thread |
IDS_ERR_1905 | Invalid authenticate request |
IDS_ERR_1906 | Admin key authorization mismatch |
IDS_ERR_1907 | No authentication handler |
IDS_ERR_1908 | Unsupported authentication type |
IDS_ERR_1909 | Invalid client id |
IDS_ERR_1910 | Client id already in use |
IDS_ERR_2000 | Reused consumer id |
IDS_ERR_2001 | Invalid consumer id |
IDS_ERR_2100 | Socket error |
IDS_ERR_2101 | Negative amount |
IDS_ERR_2102 | Poll error |
IDS_ERR_2103 | Timeout expired |
IDS_ERR_2104 | Invalid port |
IDS_ERR_2105 | Could not connect socket to the host |
IDS_ERR_2106 | Could not read from the socket |
IDS_ERR_2107 | Could not write to the socket |
IDS_ERR_2108 | Could not shutdown socket |
IDS_ERR_2109 | Could not close the socket |
IDS_ERR_2110 | SSL initialization error |
IDS_ERR_2111 | SSL socket initialization error |
IDS_ERR_2112 | SSL certification error |
IDS_ERR_2113 | SSL error |
IDS_ERR_2114 | SSL has already been initialized |
IDS_ERR_2115 | SSL not initialized |
IDS_ERR_2200 | MD5Hash failure |
IDS_ERR_2201 | Base 64 encode failure. |
IDS_ERR_2300 | Broker: bad request |
IDS_ERR_2301 | Broker: unauthorized |
IDS_ERR_2302 | Broker: forbidden |
IDS_ERR_2304 | Broker: not allowed |
IDS_ERR_2305 | Broker: timeout |
IDS_ERR_2306 | Broker: conflict |
IDS_ERR_2307 | Broker: gone |
IDS_ERR_2308 | Broker: precondition failed |
IDS_ERR_2309 | Broker: invalid login |
IDS_ERR_2310 | Broker: error |
IDS_ERR_2311 | Broker: not implemented |
IDS_ERR_2312 | Broker: unavailable |
IDS_ERR_2313 | Broker: bad version |
IDS_ERR_2314 | Broker: resource full |
IDS_ERR_2315 | Broker: entity too large |
IDS_ERR_2400 | Error in saying goodbye to broker. |
IDS_ERR_2401 | Starting broker connection failed. |
IDS_ERR_2402 | Stopping broker connection failed. |
IDS_ERR_2403 | Authenticating to the broker failed. |
IDS_ERR_2404 | Received an unexpected reply from the broker. |
IDS_ERR_2405 | Writing a packet to the broker failed. |
IDS_ERR_2406 | Reading a packet from the broker failed. |
IDS_ERR_2407 | ProtocolHandler error |
IDS_ERR_2408 | Setting client id failed. |
IDS_ERR_2409 | Deleting destination failed |
IDS_ERR_2410 | Error saying hello to the broker. |
IDS_ERR_2411 | Error resume flow from broker. |
IDS_ERR_2500 | Read channel couldn’t dispatch packet. |
IDS_ERR_2600 | ReadQTable error |
IDS_ERR_2700 | Unsupported argument value |
IDS_ERR_2800 | Session closed |
IDS_ERR_2801 | The consumer is not part of this session. |
IDS_ERR_2802 | The producer is not part of this session |
IDS_ERR_2803 | A queue consumer cannot be durable |
IDS_ERR_2804 | Cannot unsubscribe an active consumer. |
IDS_ERR_2805 | The receive queue is closed. |
IDS_ERR_2806 | The Session is not associated with a connection. |
IDS_ERR_2807 | The session's connection has been closed |
IDS_ERR_2808 | connection closed |
IDS_ERR_2809 | Invalid acknowledge mode |
IDS_ERR_2810 | Invalid destination type. |
IDS_ERR_2811 | Invalid receive mode. |
IDS_ERR_2812 | The session is not in sync receive mode. |
IDS_ERR_2813 | The session is not in async receive mode. |
IDS_ERR_2814 | Session is transacted. |
IDS_ERR_2815 | The session is not transacted. |
IDS_ERR_2816 | Session is not in client acknowledge mode |
IDS_ERR_2817 | Transaction id in use. |
IDS_ERR_2818 | Invalid transaction id |
IDS_ERR_2819 | The calling thread is not associated with an XA transaction |
IDS_ERR_2820 | The XA session has no active transaction |
IDS_ERR_2821 |
An XA session is in progress |
IDS_ERR_2900 | The message does not have a destination |
IDS_ERR_2901 | The destination does not have a class. |
IDS_ERR_2902 | The destination does not have a name. |
IDS_ERR_2903 | The message does not have a reply to destination. |
IDS_ERR_3000 | The producer does not have a specified destination. |
IDS_ERR_3001 | The producer has a specified destination |
IDS_ERR_3002 | Invalid delivery mode. |
IDS_ERR_3003 | Invalid priority |
IDS_ERR_3004 | Producer closed. |
IDS_ERR_3005 | The destination to which this message was sent could not be found. |
IDS_ERR_3006 | The message exceeds the single message size limit for the server or for the destination. |
IDS_ERR_3007 | The destination is full and is rejecting new messages. |
IDS_ERR_3100 | There is no durable name specified |
IDS_ERR_3101 | The consumer has not been initialized. |
IDS_ERR_3102 | An exception occurred on the consumer. |
IDS_ERR_3103 | The consumer has no session. |
IDS_ERR_3104 | The message was not delivered to the session. |
IDS_ERR_3105 | There was no message to receive. |
IDS_ERR_3106 | The consumer was closed. |
IDS_ERR_3107 | Invalid message selector. |
IDS_ERR_3108 | Message consumer not found |
IDS_ERR_3109 | The number of consumers on the destination exceeded limit. |
IDS_ERR_3110 | consumer destination not found |
IDS_ERR_3200 | Connection start failed. |
IDS_ERR_3201 | Connection failed to create a session. |
IDS_ERR_3202 | Connection failed to open a connection. |
IDS_ERR_3203 | The transport specified is not supported. |
IDS_ERR_3300 | The object is invalid (i.e., it has not been deleted). |
IDS_ERR_3301 | The object could not be deleted because there is another reference to it. |
IDS_ERR_3302 | A handle could not be allocated because the supply of handles has been exhausted. |
IDS_ERR_3400 | A freed object was referenced. |
IDS_ERR_3500 | The destination is not temporary |
IDS_ERR_3501 | The temporary destination is not in the connection. |
IDS_ERR_3600 | Callback runtime error occurred |
IDS_ERR_6000 | The handle passed to a function is invalid. |
IDS_ERR_6001 | There are no message properties |
IDS_ERR_6002 | status null logger |
IDS_ERR_6003 | The connection cannot be deleted because it was not closed. |
IDS_ERR_6004 | The connection is not an XA connection. |
IDS_ERR_6005 | Illegally closed an XA connection |
IDS_ERR_1091 | No response from the server |