Applies to: IP Audio devices in WAVE
This guide is meant to walk you through the configuration steps needed to use the IPAS (IP Audio System) devices for event to action in the WAVE VMS.
Step By Step Guide:
General Guidelines:
Confirm you are using the latest firmware for the IPAS devices. The firmware can be found at the Product Portal page
- If you are running old/beta firmware perform a factory reset after a firmware update
- Ensure you have two IPAS devices available.
IPAS Controller Mode Device Configuration
- Set one IPAS device to controller mode and follow the next steps on that controller. (Figure 1)
Figure 1
- Register your IPAS devices to the controller. (Figure 2)
Figure 2
- Register one of your IPAS devices as a source and ensure you check “CTRL”. (Figures 3 & 4)
Figure 3
Figure 4
- Register a zone(s) for your IPAS devices. (Figure 5)
Figure 5
- If you wish to play audio on multiple IPAS devices you must now create a group. (Figure 6)
Figure 6
IPAS Speaker Mode Device Configuration
- Set another IPAS device to speaker mode. (Figure 7)
Figure 7
- Upload audio files to the source file upload. (Figure 8)
Figure 8
SUNAPI Commands (Controller)
- To determine your device ID's, open your web browser and send the "view registered subdevices" command to the IPAS controller. The output is shown in (Figure 9)
NOTE: The IP addresses in the commands below are examples only. Substitute the IP shown below
for the IP of your device.
Figure 9
- If you plan to play audio to a group of speakers, you need to determine the group ID. You can accomplish this by sending the "view speaker groups" command. The output is shown in (Figure 10)
Figure 10
- Send the "view audio out files" command to your IPAS controller to determine the audio file name with src (source) number. The output is shown in (Figure 11)
Figure 11
- Test the final play command (device or group) by sending the following commands to your IPAS controller to ensure everything is working as it should. The output is shown in (Figure 12)
Figure 12
WAVE Integration Guide
- Select the camera you wish to trigger the audio file from, right click and select “Event Rules”
- Create a new event and select “Soft Trigger”
- Select “Do HTTP(S) request” and enter your SUNAPI play command
- Enter your Login and Password for the IPAS controller (Figure 13)
Figure 13
- Click the “soft trigger” that was just created in your camera tile to play the audio file. (Figure 14)
Figure 14