Applies to Models: All Smartcam Models
Check to see if the notification settings is disabled in the SmartCam+ app by following the steps below depending on your smartphone device.
iOS (iPhone):
Press the 3 bars on top left corner (User settings page) and you will see a “Bell” icon on the bottom right corner of the popup page. If the bell icon has a slash on it, it means the app notification is disabled.
• Press the “bell” icon to go to the phone notification setting, then proceed to turn on all notifications.
Press the 3 bars on top left corner (User settings page) and you will see a “Bell icon” on the bottom right corner of the popup page. If the bell icon has a slash on it, it means the app notification is disabled. Simply click the bell icon to enable the app notification.
Unsupported mobile devices:
• There are certain smartphone models that cannot properly run the SmartCam+ app - Blackberry, Motorola, LG.