Applies to Models: SNH-V6435DN, SNH-P6415BN, SNH-P6416BN, SNH-V6431BN, SNH-V6414BN, SNH-C6417BN
Reasons for not being able to view/playback video recordings:
1. Check to see if your free 15-day cloud trial has expired. If your cloud trial has expired, then please sign up for a monthly cloud service plan so you can view all of your footages again. When the cloud trial expires, you no longer have access to Video Playbacks and Event Recordings.
2. Check to see if your Wi-Fi network and the cloud is synced. If it is not synced, simply reconnect to the cloud by going to your Cloud page and press the “Cloud Connection” button.
• Navigation steps: Log into the app -> Click the 3 bars on top left corner (User settings page) -> Click the cloud icon (My Plan) -> Locate the “Cloud Connection” button and press it to sync.