Applies to Models: WAVE Servers
The Hardware ID (HWID) is a unique 34-digit identifier generated when the WAVE Media Server is installed on a Windows or Ubuntu Linux device. It is based on a combination of software and hardware components of the computing device upon which WAVE is installed. The items used to generate a unique HWID for each computer include the BIOS, Motherboard, RAM, and Network Card (NIC). After installing WAVE on a server, any modification to these software or hardware components will result in a change of HWID, thereby invalidating any licenses attached to that device.
This article provides instructions for locating your HWID.
Step By Step Guide:
Below are two ways of finding your HWID in WAVE:
Launch the WAVE Desktop Client and go to System Administration.
Click the Licenses tab, then select one of the licenses and click Details...
You should now see a dialog that shows the License Type, License Key, and Hardware ID.
- The second option to finding your HWID is to navigate to System Administration -> Licenses and at the bottom of that page there are two tabs. Select Manual Activation and view the Hardware ID as shown below.
Note: The License depicted is a timed license and has an expiration date.
Purchased Recording Licenses do not expire.