The WAVE Server API allows developers to interact extensively with the WAVE Server and can be found in the WAVE Web Admin Interface. In this guide, we'll show you how to find the cameraId which is useful for utilizing live or recorded video from a camera in your WAVE System.
How to find the cameraId:
- Right-click the necessary camera and click "Camera Settings"
- At the "Advanced" tab you'll find "cameraId" field with the necessary value
- In your browser type the following http request:
server_ip= the IP address or URL of the WAVE Server you are requesting to
server_port = System's port (typically 7001)
A Local Hanwha Server's demo wouldbe:
* Important note: when making an API call you can use any Server in the System.
You should now see something similar to the following screenshot:
- Press CTRL + F to find the specific name of the camera. You can also use the IP address as well.
Located above the camera's name, you will notice a parameter called "id". This attribute value is the cameraId that should be used for different API calls (ptz, hls, rtsp, etc.). The Value should be used without quotation marks or parenthesis. I.e., in this case you should paste {97d83067-09e9-e2ec-5f27-a66ec35fc899} to your API call as the parameter.