Layouts allow users to design and create custom views in their system. Layouts can be created by dragging and dropping items and resizing items from the Resource Panel onto the Viewing Grid. Layouts can also be shared with other users by Administrators.
To Create a New Layout
The simplest way to create a new layout is to open a new tab in the Navigation Panel of the client application and then dragging and dropping the IP video cameras, I/O devices, recorded video, or servers onto the Viewing Grid. After dragging the items onto the Viewing Grid, users can fluidly rearrange the items until they have the layout they are satisfied with. Layouts can be saved by right-clicking and clicking Save. At that point, the layout will be created for the users currently logged in on the client, used to create the layout.
Saved layouts are visible underneath the User name in the Resource Panel.
To Assign Layouts to Users
To Assign or Share a layout with another user, simply drag the layout to the User name in the Resource Tree. Layouts will be instantly shared with that user - granting them viewing access.
Users can modify the layouts while using them and can save them using a unique layout name. All layouts in a system must have a unique name to be saved.
Layout Settings
Layouts have additional advanced features which are displayed in the Layout Settings dialog:
- Lock Layout- allows administrators to lock layouts to prevent modification by other users.
- Add a Background (aka Digital Map)- allows users to add an image as the background and define the size and the look of the image in terms of the number of Viewing Cells it occupies, along with the opacity %.